Less Waste, More Taste & Clean Energy

BeGOAT has transformed the traditional energy drink by adopting a comprehensive method and incorporating every aspect of the coffee fruit – the bean, husk, and berry. This has improved the potency of the caffeine naturally found in the fruit while eliminating waste that goes back into the planet. BeGOAT has not only discovered a way to reduce waste and elevate the flavor profile, but they have also fashioned a clean energy drink containing only 7 basic ingredients. BeGOAT officially reduces waste, enhances the flavor of the traditional energy drink, and utilizes simple ingredients.

Less Waste

Coffee cherries thrive in areas with ideal climates and conditions for coffee production. The coffee plant is cultivated in countries within the “coffee belt” or “green belt” around the equator, including Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Indonesia, and Nicaragua. The distinct qualities and flavors of coffee cherries in each region are shaped by factors like climate, altitude, soil quality, and farming techniques. These elements combine to create the unique characteristics of coffee grown in these regions.

Typically, the farmers will repurpose the coffee cherry waste by placing it back in the soil of the farm or discard it otherwise. BeGOAT has found the perfect recipe to consume each portion of the fruit. Utilizing the potential of cascara, the pulp of the coffee cherry, BeGOAT has developed an innovative blend that showcases the dedication to harnessing the gifts of nature. The Cascara+ mixture combines all parts of the coffee fruit – the outer shell, flesh, and seed – to provide a special blend of beneficial compounds, including antioxidants, polyphenols, essential nutrients, and 200mg of caffeine, for a harmonious and invigorating sensation.

More Taste

The flavor profile of coffee cherries can differ depending on the particular type, ripeness, and how they are processed. It can offer a blend of sweet, tangy, and flowery flavors that result in a distinct and pleasurable tasting sensation.

Cascara is continuing to gain popularity in cafes around the globe. With numerous health benefits, cascara enhances the appeal of BeGOAT energy drinks. Research indicates that cascara is a powerful superfood, rich in nutrients that can enhance immune function and stimulate immune cells, promoting overall well-being.

Clean Energy

BeGOAT is not just a refreshing energy drink made from the typically discarded cascara fruit, but it also contains a precise 200 milligrams of caffeine, only 25 calories, a mere 5 grams of organic cane sugar, and is completely plant-based, gluten-free, non-GMO, and brewed with all-natural ingredients. The priority is to offer our customers a boost of energy that is not only beneficial for their bodies but also enhances their performance.

Thankfully, BeGOAT understands the significance of quality ingredients. In crafting their array of tasty flavors, they prioritized simplicity, cleanliness, and health. Let’s review the seven basic ingredients used to make the nourishing and refreshing BeGOAT energy drink:

  • Whole coffee fruit extract
  • Monk fruit extract
  • Stevia extract
  • Allulose
  • Organic sugar
  • Citric acid
  • Natural flavors

BeGOAT carefully crafted 6 mouthwatering flavors to suit everyone’s palate. You don’t have to search any longer when you’re looking for a way to boost your antioxidants, strengthen your immune system, or enjoy a low-calorie pick-me-up in the middle of the day.

  • Blackberry Currant
  • Cascara Berry
  • Grapefruit Tangerine
  • Hibiscus Lime
  • Strawberry Lemon Ginger
  • Watermelon Dragonfruit

Visit your nearby market for a tasty and eco-friendly BeGOAT drink, or buy online. Also, remember to check out our social media pages.

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