Common Clean Energy Drink Ingredients

“Clean” energy drinks typically focus on providing energy without the use of artificial additives, excessive sugar, or other potentially harmful ingredients. While the exact ingredients can vary between brands and products, here are some common ingredients you might find in clean energy drinks. Ps. BeGOAT offers several of these common clean energy drink ingredients!

Natural Caffeine

Clean energy drinks often use caffeine from natural sources such as green tea, yerba mate, or coffee beans. These sources of caffeine are considered more natural and may provide a smoother energy boost compared to synthetic caffeine.

Adaptogenic Herbs

Some clean energy drinks include adaptogenic herbs like ginseng, rhodiola, or ashwagandha. These herbs are believed to help the body adapt to stress and support overall energy levels.

B Vitamins

B vitamins, particularly B6 and B12, are important for energy metabolism. Clean energy drinks might contain these vitamins to support the body’s natural energy production.


Electrolytes like potassium, sodium, and magnesium help maintain proper hydration and muscle function. Clean energy drinks might include electrolytes to help replenish those lost during physical activity.

Amino Acids

Amino acids like taurine and L-carnitine are sometimes added to energy drinks to support energy production and focus. These amino acids are often found naturally in the body and in certain foods.

Natural Sweeteners

Clean energy drinks avoid high amounts of added sugars and artificial sweeteners. Instead, they might use natural sweeteners like stevia, erythritol, or fruit juice to add sweetness.


Ingredients rich in antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, or extracts from berries and other fruits, might be included to provide additional health benefits and combat oxidative stress.

Fruit Extracts

Clean energy drinks might use natural fruit extracts to add flavor and provide vitamins and minerals. Examples include extracts from berries, citrus fruits, and tropical fruits.

Natural Flavors

Natural flavors derived from real fruits and herbs are used to give the drink a pleasant taste without relying on artificial flavorings.

Herbal Extracts

Besides adaptogenic herbs, other herbal extracts like green tea, ginkgo biloba, and guarana might be included for their potential energy-boosting effects.


Many energy drinks are carbonated for a refreshing and fizzy experience.

It’s important to read the ingredient label on each specific energy drink to determine its “clean” status and whether it aligns with your preferences and dietary needs. Keep in mind that while a product may be marketed as “clean,” individual sensitivities and health considerations can vary, so it’s a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any concerns.

Say hello to BeGOAT. One of the few companies to utilize the coffee cherry to brew a healthy, sustainable, and refreshing clean energy beverage. Featuring 200 mg of caffeine, 25 calories, 5 g of organic cane sugar, non-GMO, gluten-free, and 7 net carbs, in addition to all-natural plant-based ingredients.

Fortunately, BeGOAT has made it extremely convenient to consume these trending ingredients and superfoods! The overall list of clean, healthy, and limited ingredients makes BeGOAT one of the most health-conscious clean energy drinks on the market. In addition, these thirst-quenching beverages feature 200 mg of caffeine, 25 calories, 5g of organic cane sugar, 100% natural, plant-based, non-GMO, gluten-free, and vegan. BeGOAT truly checks all the boxes. It doesn’t get better than this!

There is no need to look any further when you are on the hunt for your next boost of antioxidants, immunity reinforcement, or low-calorie midday pick-me-up. With a variety of seven different flavors, there is an option for everyone’s palate.

  • Cascara Berry
  • Grapefruit Tangerine
  • Hibiscus Lime
  • Strawberry Lemon Ginger
  • Watermelon Dragonfruit
  • Jackfruit Coconut Mango
  • Lemonade Mint

BeGOAT Cascara+ is better for the people and better for the planet.

Stop by your local market today for a refreshing and sustainable BeGOAT beverage, or shop online, and don’t forget to follow us on social media!

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