Meet & Greet BeGOAT Influencer @jwalkadventures

Join us as we embark on a journey with BeGOAT influencer @jwalkadventures! Jeremy Walker is a passionate photographer and videographer who chases the dreamiest waterfalls throughout the Pacific Northwest. Some of his waterfall content is recognizable, but there are others we may never see in real life. Often, Jeremy hikes into the more popular waterfalls before the sun rises to beat the crowds and capture the solitude. Otherwise, he is committed to searching and bushwhacking his way to uncharted landscapes to discover the most impressive waterfalls.

Grab your favorite BeGOAT flavor, kick your feet up, and learn more about chasing epic waterfalls.

 How long have you lived in Central Oregon?

I was born in Kirkland Washington, but my parents forced me to move to Bend when I was just a few months old. I have stuck around Bend my entire life, as my family is deeply rooted in the Central Oregon area.

Your videography and photography skills are flawless. How did you get so good behind the camera?!

I’ve only been shooting with a camera for a little over a year now. I have a vision I want to create and I’m learning each and every time I go out! My next step is to stop using my cell phone for videos and get more involved with my drone and GoPro for more action shots. I still have a lot to learn! 

You have stunning waterfall content. How do you find all these amazing landscapes?

I learned from fellow waterfall chasers how to read maps and use different imaging programs to find the hidden goodies! Most of my content stems from bushwhacking adventures and finding places only a few people have seen. I like to see new places and the difficulty levels that come with it keep me going!

Do you have a favorite waterfall you find yourself continuing to visit again and again?

I have a few journeys I like to recreate and relive each year. There’s a saying I live by, “You can take the same trail twice, but you will never take the same hike”. It’s fun to look back and see how much I have grown as a person and how far my photography has come. Some of my favorite adventures that I go back to year after year are the McKenzie Pass, Proxy Falls, Koosah Falls, and Sahalie Falls. I bring my daughters each year and we take the same picture at the same spot to see how much they have grown. We always end the day in Sisters, Oregon to enjoy a milkshake at Sno-Cap Drive In!

Do you have any other hidden talents?

I’m a girl dad to three little ladies, so I’ve developed the hidden skill of patience. Haha!

When you are setting out for an adventure, what does your gear list look like?

I keep things extremely simple and pack light for mobility purposes. Due to the thick brush and forest, I only carry my camera equipment, water, a filtration device, a well-rounded first aid kit by Adventure Medical Kits, and of course a BeGOAT for a victory drink. Plus, a much-needed boost of energy for the trek back is clutch! 

How does BeGOAT fuel your adventures?

BeGOAT keeps me hydrated and energized for all my strenuous adventures. The meaning behind BeGOAT reminds me to be my greatest at all times when I’m out capturing awesome waterfall content!

What is your go-to BeGOAT flavor?

I would have to say it’s a toss-up between Cascara Berry and Watermelon Dragonfruit.

Anything else you would like to add?

I’d just like to give a huge ‘thank you’ to everyone at BeGOAT for giving me an opportunity to grow with you guys and keeping me fueled on every adventure! I am passionate about being outdoors and it’s cool to be part of a company that stands behind it.

I have some big plans for my social media channels including videos on YouTube of when I go research an area for a potential waterfall, then going out recording my adventure and discovering new places! You can follow me on Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube under the name Jwalkadventures.

Keep your eye out for Jeremy as he treks his way into the most beautiful landscapes the Pacific Northwest has to offer. He will have his camera in one hand, Cascara Berry BeGOAT in the other, and three beautiful daughters in tow. We promise you can’t miss him!

Follow BeGOAT on social media and don’t forget to swing by your local market for a refreshing and sustainable BeGOAT Cascara+ beverage. Don’t worry if you can’t find your preferred flavor; you can conveniently shop online!

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